Let's Learn Grammar. Грамматика английского языка для учащихся общеобразовательных школ (РУС) красн., Харків
Есть в наличии
175 грн.
Краевская М.
Кількість сторінок:264
Формат, мм:205х260
Вага:0.5600 кг
Бренд: Ранок Страна производитель: Украина
Бренд: Ранок Страна производитель: Украина

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Пособие (автор Краевская М.) содержит правила грамматики английского языка, упражнения для их отработки и закрепления, а также ключи к упражнениям. Издание составлено в соответствии с возрастными особенностями учеников. Изложение грамматического материала для лучшего его запоминания сопровождается забавными иллюстрациями, кроссвордами, ребусами и т. п.
THE PRESENT — настоящее
1 Present Simple
2 Present Continuous
3 Present Simple and Present Continuous
THE FUTURE — будущее
4 Present Simple and Present Continuous about the future
5 Future Simple (Will/Shall + infinitive)
6 Be going to + infinitive
7 Future forms
THE PAST — прошедшее 8 Past Simple
9 Used to + infinitive
10 Past Continuous
11 Past Perfect
12 Past narrative tenses
THE PRESENT & THE PAST — наСтоящее и прошедшее
13 Present Perfect
14 Present Perfect: experiences
15 Present Perfect: past-present link
16 Present Perfect: up to now
17 Present Perfect and Past Simple
18 Present Perfect Continuous
19 Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous
PASSIVE VOICE — Страдательный залог
20 Passive Voice: Present Simple and Past Simple
21 Passive Voice: mixed tenses
CONDITIONALS — условные предложения
22 Future time clauses
23 Conditionals — type 0 and 1
24 Conditionals — type 2
25 Conditionals — type 3
26 Conditionals 1—3 — revision
REPORTED SPEECH — косвенная речь
27 Reported speech: orders and requests
28 Reported speech: statements
29 Indirect questions
30 Reported speech: questions
QUESTIONS — вопросы
31 Questions
32 Subject and object questions
33 Question tags
VERB PATTERNS — глагольные конструкции
34 Be and Have
35 Bare infinitive
36 To + infinitive
37 Gerund
5 MODAL VERBS — модальные глаголы
38 Ability and permission
39 Obligation and necessity
40 Probability
ADjECTIVES& ADVERBS— имена прилагательные и наречия
41 Adjectives and adverbs
42 Comparatives and superlatives
NOUNS, PRONOUNS& ARTICLES— имена существительные, местоимения и артикли
43 Nouns: countable and uncountable, singular and plural
44 Articles and demonstratives
45 Quantifiers and indefinite pronouns
46 Personal, possessive and reflexive pronouns
47 Relative pronouns
48 Prepositions: time
49 Prepositions: place and movement
50 Prepositions: adjectives and verbs
Irregular verbs
Answer key
Алфавитный указатель
1 Present Simple
2 Present Continuous
3 Present Simple and Present Continuous
THE FUTURE — будущее
4 Present Simple and Present Continuous about the future
5 Future Simple (Will/Shall + infinitive)
6 Be going to + infinitive
7 Future forms
THE PAST — прошедшее 8 Past Simple
9 Used to + infinitive
10 Past Continuous
11 Past Perfect
12 Past narrative tenses
THE PRESENT & THE PAST — наСтоящее и прошедшее
13 Present Perfect
14 Present Perfect: experiences
15 Present Perfect: past-present link
16 Present Perfect: up to now
17 Present Perfect and Past Simple
18 Present Perfect Continuous
19 Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous
PASSIVE VOICE — Страдательный залог
20 Passive Voice: Present Simple and Past Simple
21 Passive Voice: mixed tenses
CONDITIONALS — условные предложения
22 Future time clauses
23 Conditionals — type 0 and 1
24 Conditionals — type 2
25 Conditionals — type 3
26 Conditionals 1—3 — revision
REPORTED SPEECH — косвенная речь
27 Reported speech: orders and requests
28 Reported speech: statements
29 Indirect questions
30 Reported speech: questions
QUESTIONS — вопросы
31 Questions
32 Subject and object questions
33 Question tags
VERB PATTERNS — глагольные конструкции
34 Be and Have
35 Bare infinitive
36 To + infinitive
37 Gerund
5 MODAL VERBS — модальные глаголы
38 Ability and permission
39 Obligation and necessity
40 Probability
ADjECTIVES& ADVERBS— имена прилагательные и наречия
41 Adjectives and adverbs
42 Comparatives and superlatives
NOUNS, PRONOUNS& ARTICLES— имена существительные, местоимения и артикли
43 Nouns: countable and uncountable, singular and plural
44 Articles and demonstratives
45 Quantifiers and indefinite pronouns
46 Personal, possessive and reflexive pronouns
47 Relative pronouns
48 Prepositions: time
49 Prepositions: place and movement
50 Prepositions: adjectives and verbs
Irregular verbs
Answer key
Алфавитный указатель
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